Title: The Ancient Synagogue and the Origins of Judaism and Christianity
Lecturer: Anders Runesson (Tenured Professor in New Testament, University of Oslo; Adjunct Professor in New Testament and Early Judaism, McMaster University; Guest Professor of Institute of Sino-Christian Studies)
Discussant: LIU Ping (Professor, School of Philosophy, Fudan University)
Chairperson: LIU Wenjin (Associate Professor, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, East China Normal University)
Date: 1:30 pm, March 12th, 2019 (Tuesday)
Venue: Room 5303, Building of School of Humanities, Minhang Campus, ECNU
Sponsor: Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, ECNU
Abstract of the Lecture:
Originally, the Jesus movement was a Jewish movement. Eventually, Christianity was born from this Jewish movement. This lecture traces the historical, archaeological, and institutional factors that influenced this development, and explains how Christianity became a non-Jewish religion.
Brief Introduction of the Lecturer:
Anders Runesson, Tenured Professor in New Testament, University of Oslo; Adjunct Professor in New Testament and Early Judaism, McMaster University; Guest Professor of Institute of Sino-Christian Studies. His research mainly focus on New Testament: Gospels(esp.Matthew),Paul,historicalJesus.
JewishStudiesandHebrew Bible:Theancientsynagogue,JewishhistoryfromthePersianperiodtoLateAntiquity. Archaeology,inscriptions,papyri:synagoguearchaeology,especiallythesynagoguesatOstia andCapernaum;inscriptionsandpapyrirelatingtotheancientsynagogue.Jewish/Christian relationsandearlyChristianidentityformation.Receptionhistory.
Monographs: DivineWrathandSalvationinMatthew:TheNarrativeWorldofthe FirstGospel. (Minneapolis:Fortress,2016); OThatYouWouldTearOpentheHeavensandComeDown!Onthe HistoricalJesus,JonasGardell,andtheBreathofGod.(ÖrebroandSkellefteå:Libris andArtos,2011).