Title: Women’s and Gender History in France Since the Publication of A History of Women in the West (1991-1992): a Comparison Between France and the United States
Lecturer: Françoise Thébaud (Emeritus Professor of Modern History at the University of Avignon)
Chairperson: JIANG Jin (Professor of Department of History at East China Normal University)
Date: 2:30 pm, September 10th, 2015 (Thursday)
Venue: Room 5303, Building of School of Humanities, Minhang Campus, ECNU
Sponsor: Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, ECNU
Abstract of the Lecture:
The five volumes of A History of Women in the West were published in France and Italy between 1990 and 1992. These volumes presented a synthesis of the research done during the previous twenty years in Europe and North America. They were translated into several languages and reviews appeared in several countries. This talk will present the evolution of women's and gender history in France since the publication of A History of Women in the West in comparison with that done in the United States. What do we mean in France by gender history? What are the main themes in the recent research? How is research in this field organized?
Brief Introduction of the Lecturer:
Françoise Thébaud is Emeritus professor of modern history at the University of Avignon, France. She is also coeditor of CLIO, Femmes, Genre, Histoire and was from 2001 to 2009 the President of the French Committee of the IFRWH (Association pour le développement de l'histoire des femmes et du genre-Mnémosyne). Her most recent publications include la Fabrique des filles (2010, Textuel, with Rebecca Rogers), la Place des femmes dans l’histoire. Une histoire mixte (coedited with three others scholars 2010, Belin), Quand les femmes témoignent. Histoire orale, histoire des femmes, mémoire des femmes (2008, Publisud, coedited with Geneviève Dermenjian), Ecrire l'histoire des femmeset du genre (2007, ENS Editions), Histoire des femmes-le XXe siècle (expanded edition, 2002, Perrin Tempus), Le Siècle des féminismes (coedited with five others scholars, 2004, Editions de l’Atelier). She is currently writing the biography of Marguerite Thibert (1886-1982), an educated and militant woman, who worked many years in the international labor office.