Jun 7th, 2017 - JeeLoo Liu, “Can Confucian Value Realism Desist Sharon Street’s Darwinian Challenge?” (Si-mian Lectures on Humanities No. 359)


Title: Can Confucian Value Realism Desist Sharon Street’s Darwinian Challenge?

Lecturer: JeeLoo Liu (Professor of Philosophy of CSU Fullerton)

Chairperson: CHEN Yun (Professor of Philosophy, East China Normal University)

Date: 3 pm, June 7th, 2017 (Wednesday)

Venue: Room 2102, Building of School of Humanities, Minhang Campus, ECNU

Sponsor: Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, ECNU


Abstract of the Lecture:

Sharon Street launches “the Darwinian Challenge” to naturalist forms of value realism. On Confucian value realism, Prof. Liu argues, the content of moral truth is not dependent on evolutionary influences or proto-attitudes, though natural selection has had its influence. By “cognitive penetration”, the moral perception of sages is highlighted, for it help to perceive more moral truth. And truths got by sages are not dependent on human stance or on the sages’ evaluative attitudes, but widespread all over human beings as “heavenly endowed”. This independent moral truths based on two-tired structure and evolutionary influences shows a response to the challenge.


Brief Introduction of the Lecturer:

JeeLoo Liu, Professor of Philosophy of CSU Fullerton. She got her M.A. at National Taiwan University (1984), Ph. D. at Rochester College (1993). Her main research interests are Chinese metaphysics, Confucian moral psychology and Neo-Confucian virtue ethics. The representative works include Neo-Confucianism: Metaphysics, Mind and Morality, to appear in early (2017), An Introduction to Chinese Philosophy: from Ancient Philosophy to Chinese Buddhism (2006). And edited books like Nothingness in Asian Philosophy (2014) and Consciousness and the Self (2011).