Title: Duty Instruction and Conduct Instruction in the Hittite Instruction Texts
Lecturer: LI Zheng (Professor, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University)
Chairperson: LI Haifeng (Professor, Department of History, East China Normal University)
Date: 3 pm, September 13th, 2018 (Thursday)
Venue: Room 5303, Building of School of Humanities, Minhang Campus, ECNU
Sponsor: Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, ECNU
Abstract of the Lecture:
In the history of the Hittite kingdom, the Hittite kings adopted a series of internal policies, and toward their royal princes, other officials, priests, military commanders, guards and soldiers, such approaches can be also attested in the Hittite instruction textsextensively and can be understood from both the aspect of duty instructions and conduct instructions. Especially, those instruction texts seemed to be more like a guide to action and a guide how to fulfill their obligations. The issue of these special instructions aimed not only at the keeping the ruling of Hittite kings, but also at the establishment of the guide ideology and ruling system of Hittite kingdom.
Brief Introduction of the Lecturer:
LI Zhang, Professor of School of Foreign Languages, Peking University, PhD.Advisor. The Courses which had been taught are Hittite Language, Seminar on Hittitology, History of ancient