Title: Comparative Research in Teacher Education: Theoretical and Methodological Reflections
Lecturer: Alois Ecker (Chair Professor in Didactics of History, Social Studies and Civic Education at the University of Graz, Austria)
Chairperson: YANG Biao (Professor, Department of History, East China Normal University)
Date: 3 pm, September 19th, 2018 (Wednesday)
Venue: Room 5303, Building of School of Humanities, Minhang Campus, ECNU
Sponsor: Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, ECNU
Abstract of the Lecture:
Starting from the results of the comparative study on teacher education in Europe, which had been coordinated by Alois Ecker, the presentation reflects on the theoretical basement of comparative research in education and questions the scientific potential of international/comparative approaches to the “social system” of teacher education in a global perspective. In this sense, the comparative research on teacher education as presented is understood as an intervention into the interdependency of knowledge management, organizational development and personal development in teacher education. Referring to the European Higher Education Area as the concrete field of research, the presentation gives examples for investigation on the institutional framework of teacher education, on the architecture and the organizational dimensions of teacher education programs, on the rationales and the aims.
Brief Introduction of the Lecturer:
Alois Ecker is currently chair professor in Didactics of History, Social Studies and Civic Education at the University of Graz, Austria. He has longstanding experience in teacher education, curriculum development and comparative educational research. He was the project coordinator of the CHE-Study on the initial education of Civic and History Education teachers in Europe. He works as an expert on history teaching in the network of the Council of Europe since 1994. He is chief editor of European Studies in Didactics of History and of Historisch-politische Bildung (HPB).