Title: The Plural Subject Account of Collection Intentionality
Lecturer: Hans Bernhard Schmid (Professor and the Chair Professor of Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy Department, University of Vienna)
Chairperson: Dr. LU Kaihua (Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University)
Date: 3 pm, October 24th, 2019 (Thursday)
Venue: Room 5303, Building of School of Humanities, Minhang Campus, ECNU
Sponsor: Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, ECNU
Abstract of the Lecture:
The subject of collective intentionality/action is not just an aggregation of individual agents. Rather, it should be considered as a plural subject, who is the bearer of collection intentionality and issues collective action. Adopting the results in pre-reflective self-awareness research, taking the pre-reflective self-awareness from the individual level to the collective level, arguing that in the way pre-reflective self-awareness constitutes individual subjectivity (the “I”), plural pre-reflective self-awareness constitutes plural subjectivity, the “we”.
Brief Introduction of the Lecturer:
Dr. & Prof. Hans Bernhard Schmid, the Chair Professor of Social and Political Philosophy, Philosophy Department, University of Vienna. Areas of research includes social philosophy, social ontology, philosophy of social sciences, phenomenology, philosophy of economy. Dr. & Prof. Schmid has several representative books including Moralische Integrität. Kritik eines Konstrukts, lural Action. Essays in Philosophy and Social Sciences, Wir-Intentionalität. Kritik des ontologischen Individualismus und Rekonstruktion der Gemeinschaft and Subjekt, System, Diskurs. Edmund Husserls Begriff transzendentaler Subjektivität in sozialtheoretischen Bezügen.