
发布日期: 2010-06-30   作者:  浏览次数: 97

教授简介:黄勇,哈佛大学博士,现为美国Kuanchtwon 大学终身教授、北美中国哲学家学会前会长。主要从事西方哲学、政治哲学、中西比较哲学研究。

  道德相对主义揭示了道德绝对主义的弊端,这在我们所处的这个全球化和多元化的时代非常重要。但道德相对主义本身在哲学界的名声并不好,这主要是因为它在西方哲学传统中的两种基本类型,即以行为主体(agent)为中心的道德相对主义和以行为评鉴者(appraiser)为中心的道德相对主义,都存在着严重的问题。在这个讨论班中,我们将首先讨论当代西方哲学中最重要的两位道德相对主义者(Gilbert Harman和David Wong)的重要著作,看他们在多大程度上克服了这两种道德相对主义所存在的问题,而在多大程度上没有办法真正克服这样的问题。最后我们将讨论中国古代道家经典庄子中所体现的在西方哲学中所没有的以行为对象为(patient)中心的相对论。我们将表明这样一种道德相对论不仅同样可以克服道德普遍主义的问题,而且也可以避免西方哲学中所存在的那两种道德相对主义自身所存在的问题。

第一次:导论及 Harman I: 以行为评鉴者为中心的道德相对主义                   
  第二次:Harman II: 以行为主体为中心的道德相对主义、道德谈判                   
  第三次:Wong I:道德价值多元论、多元论的道德相对论                   
  第四次:Wong II:道德理由的内在论与外在论之争                   
  第五次:庄子 I: 齐物论                   
  第六次:庄子 II:以行为对象为中心的相对主义                   
  Dimitrijevic, Nenad. 2010. “Moral Knowledge and Mass Crime: A Critical Reading of Moral Relativism.” Philosophy and Social Criticism 36: 131–156.                   
  Gilbert Harman, 1996. “Moral Relativism,” in Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity, by Gilbert Haman and Judith Jarvis Thomson.                   
  _____, 2000. Explaining Values and Other Essays in Moral Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.                   
  Huang, Yong, forthcoming. “Patient Relativism in the Zhuangzi” (a manuscript)
_____, 2011. “Toward a Benign Moral Relativism: From Agent/Critics-centered to the Patient-centered, in Confucianism, Daoism, and Moral Relativism: Wong Responds to Critics, edited by Yang Xiao and Yong Huang, State University of New York Press.
_____, 2010a. “The Ethics of Difference in the Zhuangzi.” Journal of American Academy of Religion 78.1: 65-99.
_____, 2010b. “Respecting Different Ways of Life: A Daoist Ethics of Virtue in the Zhuangzi.” Journal of Asian Studies 69.4: 1049-1070.
_____, 2005a. “A Copper Rule versus the Golden Rule: A Daoist-Confucian Proposals for Global Ethics.” Philosophy East & West 55. 3: 394-425.
Lyons, David, “Ethical Relativism and the Problem of Incoherence.” Ethics 86 (2): 107-121.
John McDowell, 1998, “Might There Be External Reason?” in his Mind, Value, and Reality. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Moody-Adams, Michelle. 1994. “Culture, Responsibility, and Affected Ignorance.” Ethics 104: 291-309.
Williams, Bernard, 1981, “Internal and External Reasons,” in his Moral Luck (101-113). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Wong, David, 2006. Natural Moralities: A Defense of Pluralistic Relativism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Zhuangzi (mainly “Qiwulun” chapter) (any edition)
Zimmerman, Michael. 1997. “Moral Responsibility and Ignorance.” Ethics 107: 410–26.