访问教授毕克伟(Paul Pickowicz)课程


教授介绍:毕克伟(Paul Pickowicz),美国加州大学“历史与中国研究”杰出教授。早年在威斯康辛大学(麦迪逊校区)获得历史学博士学位,1973开始在加州大学(圣地亚哥校区)任教。他是美国研究中国史的著名学者,在历史学界和中国研究领域具有相当广泛的影响,曾获得“约瑟夫?列文森奖”。
    Paul Pickowicz is Distinguished Professor of History and Chinese Studies at the University of California, San Diego. He is the inaugural holder of the UC San Diego Endowed Chair in Modern Chinese History. He received his PhD from the University of Wisconsin. His main research interest is the social and cultural history of 20th century China. He has two specialties: 1) village life in North China and 2) the history of Chinese filmmaking. His books include Chinese Village, Socialist State (Yale), New Chinese Cinemas (Cambridge), Revolution, Resistance, and Reform in Village China (Yale), and The Chinese Cultural Revolution as History (Stanford). In 1993 he won the Joseph R. Levenson Prize of the Association for Asian Studies for the best book on 20th century China in any discipline. A new book, Dilemmas of Victory: The Early Years of the People's Republic of China was published by Harvard in 2007. Professor Pickowicz has won three teaching awards: the UC San Diego Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award in 1998, the UC San Diego Chancellor’s Associates Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching in 2003, and the UC San Diego Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award in 2009. He is on the editorial boards of Modern Chinese Literature and Culture and Journal of Chinese Cinemas. Professor Pickowicz and his colleague Professor Joseph Esherick jointly run UC San Diego’s nationally ranked PhD program in modern Chinese history. The program explores the ways in which ordinary Chinese have experienced China's tumultuous modern history. Professor Pickowicz recently completed a term as Distinguished Visiting Scholar at Oxford University (2006) and a term as Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore (2008).               

◆? 阅读历史文本:梁启超、鲁迅、陈独秀、胡适、张恨水、茅盾、郁达夫、丁玲等名作
◆? 观看经典影像:张石川、侯曜、蔡楚生、费穆、孙瑜、吴永刚等早期中国经典电影作品
◆? 动手实践:教授指导学生自己拍摄制作DV短片

I. Required Reading
◆? Fiction:
1. Lu Xun, “Diary of a Madman” (1918), “The True Story of Ah Q” (1921), and “New Year’s Sacrifice” (1924). (See course reader)
2. Zhang Henshui, Shanghai Express (1935).
3. Mao Dun, “Spring Silkworms” (1932), “Autumn Harvest” (1933), “Winter Ruin” (1933), and “The Shop of the Lin Family” (1932). (See course reader)
4. Yu Dafu, “Sinking” (1921). (See course reader)
5. Ding Ling, “Diary of Miss Sophia” (1927). (See course reader)
◆? Criticism:
1. Liang Qichao, “On the Relationship between Fiction and the Government of the People (1902). (See course reader)
2. Hu Shi, “Some Modest Proposals for the Reform of Literature” (1917). (See course reader)
3. Chen Duxiu, “On Literary Revolution” (1917). (See course reader)
4. Qian Xingcun, “The Bygone Era of Ah Q” (1928). (See course reader)
◆? Studies:
1. Paul G. Pickowicz, “Melodramatic Representation and the ‘May Fourth’ Tradition of Chinese Filmmaking.” (See course reader)
2. Paul G. Pickowicz, “The Theme of Spiritual Pollution in Chinese Films of the 1930s.” (See course reader)
3. Leo Ou-fan Lee, Shanghai Modern: The Flowering of a New Urban Culture in China, 1930-1945.
4. Lu Hanchao, Beyond the Neon Lights: Everyday Shanghai in the Early Twentieth Century.
◆? Recommended Reading:
1. Jonathan Spence, The Search for Modern China, pp. 271-434.
II. Course Schedule

April 1
Modernity, the Shanghai Urban Arena, and the May Fourth Critique of Tradition
Film: 《劳工的爱情》(Romance of the Fruit Peddler, 1921), d. 张石川 (2 pts)
April 3
The Fragility of the New Urban Middle Class
Film: 《一串珍珠》(String of Pearls, 1925), d. 李泽源 (2 pts)
Reading: Lu Xun, “Diary of a Madman” (1918), “The True Story of Ah Q” (1921), and Liang Qichao, “On the Relationship between Fiction and the Government of the People” (1902)
April 8
Masculinity and the Nation: Controversial Cultural Artifacts
Film: 《西厢记》(Romance of the Western Chamber, 1927), d. 侯曜 (2 pts)
Reading: Yu Dafu, “Sinking” (1921), Hu Shi, “Some Modest Proposals” (1917), and Chen Duxiu, “On Literary Revolution” (1917)
April 10
Men Representing Women: The Horror Genre
Film: 《雪中孤雏》(Orphan in the Snow, 1929), d. 张惠民  (2 pts)
April 15
Village vs. City: Spiritual Pollution, Part 1
Film: 《桃花泣血记》(Peach Blossom Weeps Tears of Blood,  1931), d. 卜万苍 (2 pts)
Reading: Paul G. Pickowicz, “The Theme of Spiritual Pollution”
April 17
East vs. West: Spiritual Pollution, Part 2
Film: 《粉红色的梦》(Dream in Pink, 1932), d. 蔡楚生 (2 pts)
Reading: Ding Ling, “Diary of Miss Sophia” (1927)
April 22
Melodramatic Imagination
Film: 《小玩意》(Small Toys, 1933), d. 孙瑜 (2 pts)
Reading: Paul G. Pickowicz, “Melodramatic Representation” and Lu Xun, “New Year’s Sacrifice” (1924)
April 24
Culture as Social Science: Urban Perceptions of Rural People
Film: 《天明》(Daybreak, 1933), d. 孙瑜 (2 pts)
Reading: Mao Dun, “Spring Silkworms” (1932), “Autumn Harvest” (1933), and “Winter Ruin” (1933)
April 29
The Low-brow Novel of Manners: The Mandarin Duck and Butterfly Mode
Reading: Zhang Henshui, Shanghai Express (1934)
May 1
Midterm Exam (20 points)
May 6
Patriotism, Class, and Sexuality: Sorting Out the Components
Film: 《大路》(The Big Road, 1933), d. 孙瑜 (2 pts)
Reading: Mao Dun, “Shop of the Lin Family”
May 8
Prostitution as an Urban Form
Film: 《神女》(The Goddess, 1934), d. 吴永刚 (2 pts)
May 13
Sex, Anti-liberalism, and the Quest for Order
Film: 《体育皇后》(Queen of Sports, 1934), d. 费穆 (2 pts)
May 15
Consultations on Film Projects
May 20
The Pathology of Spiritual Diseases
Film: 《小天使》(Little Angel, 1935), d. 吴永刚 (2 pts)
May 22
Decadent Shanghai
Reading: Leo Oufan Lee, Shanghai Modern
(Quiz, 10 points)
May 27
Neo-conservatism and Anti-individualism: The Appeals of Fascism
Film: 《天伦》(Filial Piety, 1935), d. 费穆 (3 pts)
May 29
What the Tourists Never Saw: Everyday Life in Shanghai
Reading: Lu Hanchao, Beyond the Neon Lights
(Quiz, 10 points)
June 3
Proletarian Culture and the Problem of Gender
Film: 《新女性》(New Women, 1935), d. 蔡楚生 (3 pts)
Reading:  Qian Xingcun, “The Bygone Era of Ah Q” (1928)
June 5
Consultation on Film Projects
June 7 (Sat.)
Golden Chopsticks Award Ceremony

III. Grading
Quiz #1 5 points
Midterm 20 points
Journal  30 points
Quiz #2 10 points
Quiz #3 10 points
Film   25 points
    100 points

  The course reader is available at Soft Reserves, Student Center A, across from the Food Co-op, and is open M-F 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. the first two weeks of class. Phone: X46256
  E-mail: assoftreserves@ucsd.edu

Required books are available at Groundwork Books.

It will not be possible to make up missed film screenings Films will be shown only once.
No make ups on quizzes and the midterm exam except for physician documented emergencies.
No incompletes except for physician documented medical emergencies.
Students taking the course on a pass/fail basis must accumulate 70 points or more to pass.

IV. Showing Respect

1. The instructor and TA will show respect for all students and treat all students in a professional way.
2. Students are expected to show respect for the instructor and TA in the following ways:
 * Please do not arrive late to class (better not to come at all).
 * Please do not leave class early (better not to come at all).
 * Please do not engage in private conversation or read in class.
 * Please do not sleep in class (better to stay home and get a good rest).
 * Please do not pack up things and prepare for departure until the class has ended.
 * PLEASE MAKE SURE CELL PHONES DO NOT RING DURING CLASS (2 point penalty for first offense, 5 point penalty for second offense, 15 point penalty for third offense).
 * Please do not go on-line or engage in text messaging during class.