

授课教师:贺萧 美国加州大学圣克鲁斯分校教授(Gail Hershatter,University of California, Santa Cruz)
课程名称:《中国现代史中的女性》(Women in China’s Modern History)
授课对象:全校硕士、博士研究生,开放选修 (2学分)

有意选修者,请于3月15日前 填写、反馈“选修信息表”发送至:lqxiao@simian.ecnu.edu.cn。咨询电话:肖老师,54345087。

  贺萧,加州大学圣克鲁斯分校历史系杰出教授,美国亚洲研究协会前任主席。她的作品包括:《天津工人:1900—1949》(1986年出版,中文版于2016年出版),《个人的声音:20世纪80年代的中国妇女》(1988年出版,与韩起澜合著),《危险的愉悦:20世纪上海的娼妓问题与现代性》(1997年出版,中文版于2003年出版),《中国妇女在漫长的20世纪》(Women in China’s Long Twentieth Century, 2004年出版),《记忆的性别:农村妇女与中国集体主义历史》(2011年出版,中文版即将面世)。贺萧教授目前正在写一本关于1800年以来中国女性与中国革命的历史。

This graduate course introduces changes in Chinese women’s lives—and changes in shared social ideas about what women should do and be—from the  early19th century to the present, a time of profound change in China.  The central question animating the course is this: when we foreground gender as a category of analysis, how does history look different?  Course materials include a draft textbook written by the author in English, as well as scholarly articles in Chinese.  We will pay attention both to underlying historiographical issues and to highlighting major themes for purposes of teaching undergraduate students.

The class will meet twice a week for two hours per session, for a total of eight sessions over a one-month period.  It will be conducted on the model of a graduate seminar in the United States, which may be a new experience for some of the students.  Readings should be completed in advance of the seminar, and students will be asked to circulate questions for discussion in advance.  At the first class session, I will assign several students to be responsible for summarizing the reading at the beginning of all subsequent classes, and organizing the questions submitted by their classmates.  Most of each session will be devoted to discussion and critique.  All students are expected to participate actively.  I will guide the discussion, deliver brief lectures as necessary, and pose questions for the students, both about individual readings and about themes that emerge as we build a common vocabulary in which to discuss gendered history.

In addition to the readings, students will be responsible for a collaborative final project to design a textbook chapter on women in China today.  Groups and subtopics will be assigned in the second week of the class, and each group will present a report on their subtopic during the final class meeting.

Topics for each meeting are listed below.  A full syllabus will be provided at a later date.

课程内容(Class Topics)
1. The Gendered Labor of Empire, 1800-40  (帝国性别化的劳动力,1800-40)
2. Disturbances, 1840-1900(动荡,1840-1900)
3.  Revolutionary Currents, 1895-1912(革命潮流,1895-1912)
4.  Imagined Futures, 1912-1927(想象的未来,1912-1927)
5.  Making a Nation, 1928-49(造民族/国家,1928-1949)
6.  The Socialist Construction of Women, 1949-78(建构社会主义女性,1949-1978)
7.  Reform and the Naturalization of Gender, 1978-(改革开放与性别的“自然”化,1978-)
8.  Final Projects: Gender in Contemporary China(期末课题:当代中国的性别)