【Lecture Notice】November 1st, 2019 - Roland Auzet, “Design, Write and Compose Works of Theater and Music” (Si-mian Lectures on Humanities No. 489)


Title: Design, Write and Compose Works of Theater and Music

Lecturer: Roland Auzet (French Composer and Director for the Theatre and Opera)

Chairperson: Ivan Ruvidic (Research Fellow, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, East China Normal University)

Date: 3:30 pm, November 1st, 2019 (Friday)

Venue: Room 3102, Building of School of Humanities, Minhang Campus, ECNU

Sponsor: Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, ECNU


Abstract of the Lecture:

Roland Auzet is a composer and director for the theatre and opera, he also spends a lot of time teaching, as well as directing, programming, and producing musical and dramatic projects. He will explain how create works for stage, how to turn the space of the stage into a place of perceptions where sound and words explore a shared emotion through multidisciplinary approach.


Brief Introduction of the Lecturer:

Roland Auzet is a French composer and theater director. He defines himself as a stage writer. An artist and performer with many interests and talents, Auzet received the Chevalier des Arts et Lettres from the French Ministry in 2007 for his remarkable body of work in contemporary music, circus, dance, opera, and theater. Auzet has collaborated with leading composers, circus artists, visual artists, choreographers, and playwrights. He was awarded first prize at the international music competition in Darmstadt and by the Marcel Bleustein Blanchet Foundation. Auzet has composed and produced twenty operas, plays, and musical works that have been premiered in national theaters and opera houses in France and abroad.